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Godparents Foundation
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NGO IDNew Life
Registered NameNewLife
General InfoTo bring the poor women and their children into the main stream of economy and thereby make them participate in the process of nation building. New Life is committed in building up a society based on equity and social justice where women and children are the leaders of social change of better tomorrow. Our causes are supported by donors of Godparents, GiveIndia, Global Giving and ICICI Foundation's Read to Lead Project.
Website (URL)
AddressNo:1/12, Naadaar Street, Naadaar Chathiram, Somarasampettai(via), Trichy 620102.
Contact PersonF.Beatrice Vanaja
Tax Benefit80G
Receipt delivery (by email/postmail)email
Time committment for receipt delivery (days from date of transaction)7 working days
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Activities Video (URL)
Godparents' Rating **